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Asia Focus Australia Inc

Asia Focus Australia Inc

Asia Focus Australia Inc (AFA) is a humanitarian aid and mission organisation that is Lutheran based but more non-denominational in character.  Asia Focus Australia is established to be a charity whose purpose is to advance the Christian faith by:

  • Being a source of information to Christians in Australia about overseas mission and the Church in Asia in particular;
  • Promoting cross-cultural dialogue and engagement; and
  • Initiating and supporting holistic, Gospel-focused ministries that witness to the new life in Christ.

AFA currently partners with churches and groups in 14 countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Myanmar, India, Mongolia, Bhutan, Nepal, Liberia and South Sudan.  Through our partners, we support mission projects including (but not limited to):  children's education, students studying theology or Christian studies, communities affected by disaster.  Our core focus is gospel based mission.

All donations go 100% to projects, unless donors earmark donations for overheads and costs.  No office, no paid staff and all overseas travel is privately funded - everything is voluntary.  We stress transparency, accountability, cooperative action.  We hope to help create enthusiasm for world mission … and we need your help!

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51 Stanley St


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