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Not for Profit, Disability Service

Conect2Group is a not-for-profit organisation providing development of people with disability through delivering a personalised and collaborative approach for all aspects of an individual with disability. Our commitment is to provide our clients with the highest standard of care.

Our Values:
  • Innovation
  • Participation and Involvement
  • Accountability and Transparency and,
  • Respect and Integrity.
We have a genuine commitment to the rights of people with disabilities to experience and enjoy the same learning and lifestyle opportunities that all community members have by providing support to empower their life and its direction.
  • Many of us may have minimal understanding of what living with a disability means on a daily basis. We may take for granted often major challenges such as communicating, remembering, using money, using public transport, making friends and understanding others.
  • Intellectual disability is one of the most overlooked areas within the not-for-profit sector. Public awareness of this issue is limited and there is a desperate need for improved social inclusion in the broader community.
  • People with a disability encounter significant problems including loneliness and seclusion and in many cases, the people they spend most of their time with are paid to be with them.

How will the funds be used?

Our mutually beneficial relationship within the community is by investing funds in programs that can benefit the local community - such as the Oaklands Street Community Garden and the Community Arts Precinct.

Your donation will assist us to directly increase the level of practical support we can provide to our clients on a day-by-day basis. You will be making a real difference to the lives of people who want inclusion within our society. Thank you.

Contact Details

51 Stanley St

Are donations tax deductible?


Will I receive a receipt for my donation?

Yes, as soon as your donation is processed.

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