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The EduGrow School Garden Awards Program were designed to encourage and recognise schools and communities who develop creative two way learning activities to grow good food and to promote healthy lifestyles, people and places. the program has always focused upon remote and rural schools and small communities. 

EduGrow is all about promoting action to grow good food, good learning and good times at school and in community in the spirit of healthy food, family and community. The EduGrow School Garden Awards ran from 2012-2015 specifically for remote and regional schools.

In 2018, EduGrow changed tac, to focus on storytelling with the aim of helping to celebrate NAIDOC Week and Reconciliation Week themes and the great people and projects who are growing and sharing goodness where they live.  

Since 2019 to the present EduGrow is part of Foodswells communications and social media sharing. From time to time Foodswell is contacted by teachers, students and community members and we use the 'edugrow' network to share ideas and contacts.


  • Good food, good learning and good times! Outdoor classrooms and activities can help build student participation, confidence and learning outcomes.
  • Children aged 16 and under represent 50% of the population in most remote communities and need better access to more fresh, affordable food.
  • Learning how to grow, prepare and try new foods can inculcate healthy habits for life to help tackle growing rates of diabetes, obesity and heart disease.

What we do

  • Work with partners to develop and deliver engaging, easy to participate in awards and/or storytelling activities that can engage students in meaningful and fun academic and life skills learning activities. 
  • Support and recognise schools and teachers, encourgae them to undertake engaging outdoor learning and storytelling activites with their students to promote good health and help inspire other students, schools and community groups.
  • We tailor the program to regional needs and growing conditions.
  • We promote culturally inclusive learning and 'food' - bush foods and fruit and veg.
  • Note: Since 2019, EduGrow has not been run as an annual awards program. These days the EduGrow Facebook page and website remain in place as a way to share information and links about great things remote and rural schools are doing or have growing, and about other projects and programs that remote and rural schools may be interested in. 

What you can do

  • A donation to Edugrow will be received by Foodswell, its parent charity, who will use your generous contribution to support our communications and outreach activities with youth and families in remote and rural communities. 


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51 Stanley St


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