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Forget Me Not Australia

Forget Me Not Families- Uganda

Forget Me Not Families

Thank you for choosing Forget Me Not! Our projects in Uganda support vulnerable families to raise their children at home because like you, we believe every child deserves the loving care of family.

Forget Me Not Australia is committed to providing vulnerable children with brighter futures, with your help, through shelter, education and most importantly opportunities to thrive!

Through your generous donation we help children and their families in Uganda live safe, healthy and educated lives. All of our work gives children a brighter future and helps build strong families and communities.

We work to stop children ending up in 'homes' and 'orphanages' and keep them connected to their traditions, tribes and language. An institution is the very last resort. We work tirelessly to have every child thriving in a family unit where they can be in the best situation to develop well.

The magnitude of such suffering and injustice for vulnerable children in Uganda can seem overwhelming, but your choice to take action can make and extraordinary difference. Uganda is home to 2.3 million orphans as the result of disease, war and poverty.

Many children end up on the streets and become victims of violence, exploitation, child sacrifice and trafficking. Through our rescue and reunification work we fulfill each child's true heart-wish of belonging to their very own family! We provide for children within their family units and work to rebuild family bonds that create strength within communities. 

Your money provides the opportunity for children to have their basic needs met. Education is a key to ending poverty and the opportunity to attend school has life changing benefits. Strong children, Strong family bonds, Strong Communities because - Every Child Matters. THANK YOU!

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51 Stanley St


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