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Green Collect Limited

Green Collect Appeal

Green Collect is a not-for-profit social enterprise that delivers innovative services for reducing, reusing and recycling.

Green Collect links environmental and social action by providing programs that address environmental issues like climate change and waste generation, while assisting people to take up new and supportive work opportunities.

Through Green Collect services businesses and individuals are assisted to make tangible environmental improvements to their work practices, while making a significant social investment through the creation of a new job at Green Collect.

With Green Collect you can:

Reduce with Green Collect
Green Office Services

  • Environmental assessments of energy, waste, paper & water usage
  • Green office programs & practices to reduce environmental impact
Re-use with Green Collect
Green Move Services
  • Programs for a green relocation
  • Finding good homes to reuse unwanted stationery, office equipment, furniture & computers
Recycle with Green Collect
Collection Services
  • program for recycling corks & bottle tops, mobile phones & accessories, E-waste, aluminium, printer cartridges, batteries, DVDs & CDs

How will the funds be used?

Donations to Green Collect go towards developing greater work and training opportunities for people who face significant barriers to employment.

Key Areas of Expenditure

Employment creation for people who face significant barriers to employment
Development of training programs for people facing barriers to employment
Development of services to minimise environmental impacts and create employment opportunities

Contact Details

51 Stanley St

Are donations tax deductible?


Will I receive a receipt for my donation?

Yes, as soon as your donation is processed.

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