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Giving wisely

We believe smarter, more intentional giving is critical to building a better world


Before we get started

We’ve listed some tips in this article to help you start Giving Wisely. Once you’ve read through those (or if you’re already raring to go!) work through each of the pages in order to receive your Giving Dashboard which will help you visualise and plan your giving.

Why do you want to give?

What do you want to change, support or sustain in the world (whether local or international?) Try to imagine the world you want your giving to help create.

Step 1 of 4
e.g. 'All people to have access to high-quality healthcare', 'A thriving arts sector' or 'Carbon emissions are reduced'.

How much do you want to give?

How much should you give? This is entirely up to you, taking into account your income/capacity, outgoings/dependencies, and your desire to give (e.g. 'comfortably within your means' or 'until it hurts' or somewhere in between).

Step 2 of 4

Here are some rules of thumb to help you calibrate your response.


Tithing dates to biblical times but is still practiced by many. Traditionally, tithing involves giving away one-tenth of your income.

Effective Altruism

Australian philosopher Peter Singer, founder of the ‘Effective Altruism’ movement, has calculated that if everyone gave within their abilities, we could cure some of society’s worst ills while having a barely noticeable impact on most people’s current standards of living. He has created a calculator that allows you to receive an estimate of how much you should give based on your income – use it here.

How do you want to apportion your giving?

Now let's flesh out your giving intentions a little more so you're clear who you want your money to reach. Below you will see the things you want to change about the world. For each, please provide some more information.

Step 3 of 4

You would like to give $0 out of $0 to contribute to this vision.

You would like to give $0 out of $0 to contribute to this vision.

You would like to give $0 out of $0 to contribute to this vision.

You would like to give $0 out of $0 to contribute to this vision.

You would like to give $0 out of $0 to contribute to this vision.

You would like to give $0 out of $0 to contribute to this vision.

You would like to give $0 out of $0 to contribute to this vision.

You would like to give $0 out of $0 to contribute to this vision.

You would like to give $0 out of $0 to contribute to this vision.

You would like to give $0 out of $0 to contribute to this vision.

Your giving for the financial year

You may have already done some giving this financial year (July 1 to June 30). You may have also planned additional giving for this financial year. Go back to the start of the financial year and list all the organisations you've given to already, as well as any organisations you are still planning on giving to before June 30. If you use GiveNow you will find your records by logging into your MyGiving account.

Step 4 of 4
Donation 1
Donation 1

Your Giving Dashboard

Data entered in the previous pages will automatically update these charts.

You are projected to give you intended this financial year.

My Giving - Intended v Actual

Current Giving by Theme

Current Giving by Beneficiary

Current Giving by Location

Current Giving by Contribution Type